Sunday, December 7, 2014

Why did I quit RS before?

I almost forgot how childish, senseless, and close minded the people in this game are, especially the so called "adult".

You're almost not allow to disagree with people or have a some sort of friendly argument. Their mindset is "Argument= off my friend list, throw everything from the past away. Peace out."

This community can be toxic, and it sickens me. I am starting to taste the same air from many years ago when I was about to quit this game. I think It's happening soon.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I want to shout out to Dracair, Desired, XxtwistedxX, Elsa, Tenacity, Royaltee, JoJo, Zeng, HexMaster, Sweetum, Jim1, and MysticShadow for being such a supportive guild mates! It would have been so difficult without you guys. Thanks for everything!

Rie went on vacation, so I have to help regulating the guild. I thought it would be an easy job, but that isn't the case. I don't know what to do when the guild chat gets bad and being rude to each other. When guildies filed a complaint about someone, I have to think of the consequences of myself telling that person. Are they going to get butthurt? Are they going to get mad at me?

On December 5, the day of the guild bless, scheduled at 7:00 in game time. I woke up in middle of my sleep, then I got on redstone and asked if everyone is ready for guild bless. Multiple guild mates led by a vice to challenge me. They want me to do guild bless when the exp event starts, but I said there's people that stayed up just so they can participate in the guild bless. Changing the schedule would be unfair to them. However it seems that they really want to postpone guild bless until event start. So I asked the people that stayed up for their opinion, and they said they want to have guild bless now. I asked rest of the guild to get ready, then they tell me that I making a fuss about this situation, and everyone is waiting for me to make up my mind.

The lesson is I learned is that if you're too flexible with others, then they will bend you over, but if you don't take opinions from others, then they tell you that you're not listening. The best way is to stand firm on your decision and belief, and don't let others affect you.

The next thing I want to talk about is being a bad spirit in guild chat. I know not everyone wants to participate in Siege War, but you shouldn't be saying things like "we are gonna lose, don't go" things like that. Yes defending is very hard, but just don't be a bad spirit in the chat.

I don't understand why he kept saying that I am being very authoritative just because I have Rie's account. The only time I would ever use her account is when I start a point war, 99% of time I am on my own account. I am just doing my job as vice to telling you  not to be a bad spirit. It has nothing to do with Rie. It's not like I am yelling at you, and say that I will punish you if you don't follow my order. I am trying to be honest with you, and have a good conversation. Please don't give me bad attitude, because it isn't going to help.

He's just making random assumptions about me. Please when you're having a serious conversation, stop throwing outs like "LMAO" "^_^" because man that got me frustrated. I am trying to have an objective conversation but somehow he has to make it into a very subjective conversation. "oh you are picking on me because you don't like me" things like that. Does he realizes that the topic we are discussing is DON'T BE A BAD SPIRIT PLEASE.

Go ahead and threaten me that you're going to leave the guild, because if you truly want to stay in the guild then please stay, if not then we are not going to stop you. I just want people to understand me that I don't take advantage of anything just because I "have" Rie's account. "I liked you sen tho, seemed a like a good person til you took authority into your head, but hey, they say everyone will use power to their advantage." 

I am a vice, I am here to give you a piece of advice. If you think that is stepping the boundary of vice should be doing then what's the point of being a vice? I am not taking advantages of Rie , I don't use her name, I am on my own account doing my own business. So please, don't make things seemed worst than it is.
^_^ gtfo