Sunday, November 22, 2015

Mini-Pet Synthesis Guide

Holy City Augusta: Chrono (62,103)

Can only allow to synthesize pets from 13:00 to 23:00 game time.

2 Mini-pets must be level 100 to be synthesized.

You can only mix two mini-pet of the same type! Such as organic with organic, biology with biology, and  energy with energy.

You can always upgrade your minipet to level 100 in an instant  by using a flame stone or 5 Mysterious Stones!
  1. Biology 2)Energy 3)Organic
You will get something like this, once you feed it to your pet then it will instantly grow into level 100!

Minipet Synthesis

  • This is the tricky part. There’s two slots in the Mini-pet Fusion, the left one and the right one.

  • The LEFT SLOT is the “base”, this is the slot for you to put a mini-pet you want to keep EVERY SKILLS.

  • The RIGHT SLOT is the “sacrifice”, this is the slot for you to put a mini-pet you want to attempt getting certain skill from that particular pet.

  • Note* There’s no way knowing what skills you will get from the pet that’s on the right slot.

  • Note* Each fused pet (Secondary Evolution) will get two new skills.

  • For Example* In this picture above, the person wants to keep the Light pet as base because they want the +Skill and Revive, however they also want CP charge from Dark Pet, then you will have to take risk and fuse them.  (there’s a chance that you will not get the skill you want from the Sacrificing Slot, like you might get some really useless skill.)
The look of your fused mini-pet depends on the base and basic type of elements such as: Biology, Energy, and Organic. 

For Example* If your fusion is going to Biology Type (two pets must be the same type), and you have Dark Pet as your BASE, then your mini-pet will end up looking like this (Abyss).

Mutation Pet

Whenever you fuse two pets together, there might be a possible chance that you can get an extra pet that is mutated. In Japan, they sell mutation booster where it increases the chance to get a mutated pet.

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